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Google Plus Google+安卓手机客户端下载

Posted by fiture / 2011年08月05日 / 分享


本文纯为那些在天朝找Google Plus(Google +)的手机客户端的人而写…纯为分享好的软件,也为写写下载该软件我遇到的怪事。

都一点多了,偶还木有睡觉,刚刚在找Google +的手机客户端(android版本),先是直接打开android的的官方市场,能够搜索到Google+手机客户端,可是当我点击安装的时候悲催的是:“此商品无法在您设备所在的国家/地区安装”。真是操蛋的国家或地区!

然后直接在Google上面搜索可是不知道怎么回事一下子变得难找多了,前几天网上一搜一大堆,而且我手机下的手机市场里面也有,还置顶了。下载此软件还费了我一会儿的功夫,因为在论坛下载的需要注册,还要留言才能下载Google +安卓手机客户端,太晚了我见鬼了。


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30条回应:“Google Plus Google+安卓手机客户端下载”

  1. phoetry说道:

    倒要试试好不好用, 只是现在g+ 沉默ing.

  2. Demon说道:


  3. Leyar说道:


    • 飛揚潇说道:


      • 木易晗说道:

        @ 飛揚潇 您好 我想问一下 我是安卓手机 下下来了 安装了 可就是用不了 没反应 是怎么回事啊?跪求解决啊 谢谢

        • 。潇说道:

          @ 木易晗 你的是什么Android手机?

        • Char说道:

          Will more than 2 actually make the sq?eTudhay could always trade for a 10th spot, too.I think the Dynamo, for example, only have 8 spots since they traded one away as part of the Moffatt deal.

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    • http://www./说道:

      Mitt’s 4th generation grandpa Parley Pratt taught the Oath of Vengeance to the 4th generation; of course he’s a jerk like Newt. Bain Capital owns Clear Channel, he feeds us crap on TV, Radio and Billboards; of course he’s a jerk. Dumb? No way, Adnan Khashoggi and Mitt are the smartest criminals on earth. Cofer Black, Blackwater co-founder and 9/11 Comptroller missing $2.3 Trillion Dov Zakheim are on his advisory team. He’s very smart. His wife Ann’s 1966 conversion to the Mormon Church? That was dumb.

  4. 晨光说道:


  5. Sucy说道:


  6. vv说道:


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  8. vicky说道:


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